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Plain Black Vinyl Tire Cover Custom Size 40X13.5X17

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The color black is most commonly asscoiated with power, fear, mystery, strength, authority, elegance, formality, death, evil, and aggression.  The color black is required for all other colors to have depth and a variation of hue.  Black can be described as the absence of color which can lead to a meaning of unknown or some form of negativity.  Black brings out the strong, authoritative, or powerful emotions which can be overwhelming.  

In Heraldry, black represents the symbol of grief.  Its this serious, yet mysterious color that evokes these strong emotions.

In western cultures black is the color of mourning, death, and sadness.  It can have the inverse set of emotions where in the right situation, it is shown as this powerful, sexy emotion.  In previous years it has also represented the color most commonly associated with rebellious teenagers and youth.

The color black can be seen as the opposite of white.  When compared to white, they each represent good, (white) and Evil, (black).  These are the Yin and Yang of colors.  Yet, in more recent years, those who are represented in the "black" form have been seen as the "good" character, creating a mystery around the character's identity.  

You must remember that we have a large assortment of tire cover logos so you might have a difficult time choosing between them all. We care about our customers and our main purpose is to satisfy their demands. Please be aware that your order will have track numbers available in 7-10 days from the date your order is placed. This means you will receive tracking information this necessarily mean that it will be deliver in 7-10 days.  Please note this difference.  We make each and every order on demand.  Your order goes through several stages before it can be shipped out.  Please be patient as we are working on your order.  To learn more about the processes that go into you product visit our About Tire Covers page. 


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